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Welcome to

Kailua Methodist Preschool

Mission Statement & Goals

***March 2, 2024.....We are mostly full for the upcoming school year.  There may be a spot or two in certain classes, so give us a call or email to inquire.  If your child is 2 or 3yrs old, we are full and not taking any more names for our waitlist as we will not be able to fill them.


The mission of KMP is:

- To provide an excellent preschool program in a Christian environment which fosters the development of the whole child - spiritually, socially, intellectually, physically and emotionally through hands-on and cooperative learning experiences.


We endeavor to accomplish this mission by using the following goals:

KMP will provide an environment that gives support to each child in developing appropriate life skills such as..

- Cooperating

- Sharing

- Following directions

- Getting along well with others

- Problem solving

Emotional awareness


Young children learn these meaningful skills through play and hands on experiences. With this in mind, we:

- Offer a special opportunity, outside of the home, for a child to interact with children of the same age, along with encouraging the development of good attitudes toward others and a positive self image.

- Enrich the child's world through play, the creative arts, music, stories, books, nature and science.

- Provide age appropriate toys and equipment for the necessary development of large and small muscle skills.

- Strive to offer a healthy balance of teacher-led and student-initiated activities.

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